In our poly­cli­nic we run a spe­cial con­sul­ta­ti­on hour for child­ren with con­ge­ni­tal blee­ding disorders (hea­ded by Prof. Dr. med. N. von der Weid). Child­ren with hemo­phi­lia A or B, rare fac­tor defi­ci­en­ci­es, von Wil­le­brand syn­dro­me or throm­bo­cy­topa­thies are cared for here. We attach gre­at importance to inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry tre­at­ment, inclu­ding hemo­phi­lia nur­ses and spe­cia­li­zed phy­sio­the­ra­pists.

Uni­ver­si­ty Children’s Hos­pi­tal Basel (UKKB) Hematology/Oncology

If neces­sa­ry, pedia­tric ortho­pae­dists, den­tists or pain spe­cia­lists can be con­sul­ted. The Hema­to­lo­gy-Onco­lo­gy team offers a 24/365 emer­gen­cy on-call ser­vice for this group of pati­ents. In clo­se coope­ra­ti­on (cli­nic, labo­ra­to­ry, rese­arch) with the hemo­sta­sis team at the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal Basel (USB, hea­ded by Prof. Dr. med. D. Tsa­ki­ris) we meet the requi­re­ments of the World Fede­ra­ti­on of Hemo­phi­lia for a natio­nal hemo­phi­lia cen­ter.

The same team also tre­ats the smal­ler group of pati­ents with con­ge­ni­tal or acqui­red throm­bo­phi­lia, pati­ents (from neo­na­tes to ado­le­s­cents) with throm­bo-embo­lic events and moni­tors anti­co­agu­la­ti­on the­ra­py.


Spi­tal­stras­se 33, 4031 Basel

Pho­ne num­ber:

+41 (0) 61 704 12 12


Main cont­act:

Prof. Dr. med. Nico­las von der Weid


Prof. Dr. Nico­las von der Weid


Annet­te Schnei­der, Co-Head of Nur­sing, Ward C Onco­lo­gy / Hema­to­lo­gy


Corin­ne Mes­ser­li, Phy­sio­the­ra­pist

Ramo­na Schwarz, Social­wor­ker