Wel­come to the SHN

What is the SHN?

The inter-pro­fes­sion­al and inde­pen­dent asso­ci­a­tion, Swiss Hemo­phil­ia Net­work (SHN), cre­ates pro­grams and con­cepts to offer chil­dren and adults with hemo­phil­ia or oth­er bleed­ing disorders the best qual­i­ty of treat­ment and com­pre­hen­sive health care.

Who is involved?

The SHN con­sists of peo­ple from med­ical and ther­a­peu­tic fields, such as hema­tol­ogy, nurs­ing, phys­io­ther­a­py and oth­er health care pro­fes­sion­als direct­ly involved in the treat­ment of peo­ple with bleed­ing disorders. SHN mem­bers are in con­tact with exter­nal net­work groups.

What’s this about?

Hemo­phil­ia and bleed­ing disorders are rare dis­eases. They there­fore require spe­cial sup­port and spe­cial­ist care. The SHN ensures inter-pro­fes­sion­al coop­er­a­tion and sup­ports the devel­op­ment of ther­a­py rec­om­men­da­tions by means of well-found­ed and up-to-date evi­dence.

Hemo­phil­ia Centers

Kompetenzzentrum Visual

Overview of the Swiss Hemo­phil­ia Centers:



Here you will find a selec­tion of pub­li­ca­tions of the Swiss Hemo­phil­ia Net­work.

Mem­bers Area

This pass­word pro­tect­ed area is avail­able to mem­bers of the SHN.

Become a Mem­ber

You would like to become a mem­ber of the SHN? Click here to reg­is­ter.

We thank the fol­low­ing com­pa­nies for their sup­port