We have exten­sive clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence in the treat­ment of patients with hemo­phil­ia A and B as well as von Wille­brand dis­ease type I, II and III. 24 hour avail­abil­i­ty of a spe­cial­ist is guar­an­teed. We are cer­ti­fied as EHTC.
With regard to lab­o­ra­to­ry tests, we work close­ly with the Cen­ter for Lab­o­ra­to­ry Med­i­cine in St. Gallen.

Children’s Hos­pi­tal of East­ern Switzer­land, Cen­ter for Hema­tol­ogy and Oncol­o­gy

In 2014, we were cer­ti­fied by the Euro­pean Haemophil­ia Net­work (EUHANET) as a Euro­pean Haemophil­ia Cen­tre (EHTC).


Claudiusstrasse 6, 9006 St. Gallen

Phone num­bers:

+ 41 (0) 71 243 71 50
+ 41 (0) 79 816 88 29

Main con­tact:

Dr. med. Heinz Hen­gart­ner


Dr. med. Heinz Hen­gart­ner

E‑mail: heinz.hengartner@kispisg.ch

Dr. med. Francesca Mas­cioc­chi

E‑mail: francesca.maschiocchi@kispisg.ch

Dr. med. Cor­nelia Vet­ter

E‑mail: cornelia.vetter@kispisg.ch

Alisha Graden, Nurse

E‑mail: alisha.graden@kispisg.ch

Angela Dörig, Phys­io­ther­a­pist

E‑mail: angela.doerig@kispisg.ch