Infor­ma­tion Platform

About Bleed­ing Disorders

Covid 19 and Bleed­ing Disorders:

Covid-19 guid­ance bleed­ing disorders CH ver­sion 2.0


Haemophil­ia is an inher­it­ed ten­den­cy to bleed caused by a defi­cien­cy of FVIII (haemophil­ia A) or FIX (haemophil­ia B). Based on the resid­ual func­tion of FVIII or FIX, a dis­tinc­tion is made between severe (resid­ual activ­i­ty <1%), mod­er­ate (resid­ual activ­i­ty 2–5%) and mild (resid­ual activ­i­ty >5%) haemophil­ia with cor­re­spond­ing­ly dif­fer­ent clin­i­cal cours­es.

Haemophil­ia A and B are inher­it­ed X‑linked reces­sive­ly. The F8 gene is locat­ed on chro­mo­some Xq28 and com­pris­es 186kb with 26 exons (OMIM data­base No. 306700). The F9 gene is locat­ed on chro­mo­some Xq27.1–27.2 (OMIM data­base No. 306900). A moth­er who car­ries the muta­tion on an X allele will pass 50% of the muta­tion on to her off­spring. This means that 50% of the sons will receive the mutat­ed allele and suf­fer from haemophil­ia and 50% of the daugh­ters as car­ri­ers will be able to pass the allele on to their own off­spring. About one third of cas­es of haemophil­ia A result from spon­ta­neous new muta­tions of the F8 gene. Mol­e­c­u­lar genet­ic diag­no­sis of the F8 gene is avail­able and in most cas­es can iden­ti­fy the asso­ci­at­ed gene muta­tion that leads to fac­tor defi­cien­cy. This enables the clar­i­fi­ca­tion of the car­ri­ers and pre­na­tal test­ing of the risk with­in a fam­i­ly. Var­i­ous muta­tions have been described, not all of which lead to a com­plete loss of func­tion of the pro­tein. The most fre­quent muta­tion found in almost half of the fam­i­lies with severe haemophil­ia A is an inver­sion of intron 22 with the con­se­quent com­plete absence of FVIII. An inver­sion of intron 1 is present in about 3% of severe haemophil­ia A. Half of the oth­er muta­tions are large gene alter­ations, i.e. large dele­tions or inser­tions, changes in read­ing frame or splice site. Mild haemophil­ia A is more like­ly caused by mis­sen muta­tions in exons of the A or C domains. In the freely acces­si­ble HAM­STeRS data­base, short for Haemophil­ia A Muta­tion, Struc­ture, Test and Resource Site (, the muta­tions described so far for haemophil­ia A are com­piled. In 2008 the AICE-Genet­ics haemophil­ia data­base was pub­lished from Italy, which was able to detect respon­si­ble muta­tions in 90% of patients with haemophil­ia A. The cor­re­la­tion of geno­type to phe­no­type can pro­vide infor­ma­tion about the expect­ed clin­i­cal course, in par­tic­u­lar the sever­i­ty of haemophil­ia and the risk of devel­op­ing inhibitors. For exam­ple, a muta­tion that leads to a zero allele pre­dis­pos­es to the devel­op­ment of inhibitors in up to 60% of cas­es, in con­trast to Mis­sens muta­tions with an inhibitor rate of approx. 5%.

Haemophil­ia A affects 1 in 5,000 live-born boys world­wide. There is no dif­fer­ence between coun­tries and races, prob­a­bly due to the high rate of spon­ta­neous muta­tions and X‑linked chro­mo­so­mal inher­i­tance. Haemophil­ia B is much rar­er with an inci­dence of 1:30’000 boys.


The coag­u­la­tion fac­tors FVIII and FIX are essen­tial com­po­nents of the plas­mat­ic coag­u­la­tion cas­cade and play an impor­tant role in sec­ondary hemo­sta­sis. Accord­ing­ly, the clin­i­cal pic­ture of the bleed­ing ten­den­cy is char­ac­ter­ized by hematoma ten­den­cy, pro­longed, renewed bleed­ing after minor injuries, after tooth extrac­tions or oper­a­tions.
Chil­dren with severe haemophil­ia A or B are con­spic­u­ous from crawl­ing age with large, part­ly indurat­ed haematomas in exposed body parts, but also in unusu­al, non-exposed body parts. It is not uncom­mon for the dif­fer­en­tial diag­no­sis to include child abuse in the inves­ti­ga­tions. More rarely, cere­bral haem­or­rhages are seen, some­times already neona­tal, which are also the main cause of death for haemophil­i­acs. Long post-bleed­ing after cir­cum­ci­sion of infants is typ­i­cal. Severe haemophil­i­acs present from the begin­ning of the walk­ing age with joint haematomas (prefer­ably knee, hip), which are noticed by limp­ing or spar­ing a limb. With­out the appro­pri­ate sub­sti­tu­tion of the miss­ing coag­u­la­tion fac­tor, 20–30 bleed­ing episodes per year can be expect­ed. The course of severe haemophil­ia is char­ac­ter­ized by spon­ta­neous bleed­ing in joints and mus­cles. Repeat­ed bleed­ing into joints leads to haemophil­ia arthropa­thy, espe­cial­ly of the large joints. Over­all life expectan­cy is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced with­out fac­tor ther­a­py. In devel­op­ing coun­tries, even today those affect­ed often do not reach adult­hood. By opti­mis­ing fac­tor ther­a­py and patient train­ing, and by reduc­ing the risk of infec­tion with the devel­op­ment of recom­bi­nant prepa­ra­tions, life expectan­cy has increased con­sid­er­ably in indus­tri­alised coun­tries in recent decades and is cur­rent­ly over 60 years. The long-term goal of ther­a­py is to pre­vent or min­i­mize the seri­ous and often dis­abling haemophil­ia arthropa­thy. This requires an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach with phys­io­ther­a­pists and orthopaedic sur­geons.
With mod­er­ate and mild haemophil­ia, the mean age of man­i­fes­ta­tion is lat­er 5–6 years. The chil­dren bleed longer after minor injuries. Some­times the diag­no­sis is only made in con­nec­tion with post-oper­a­tive bleed­ing — here again typ­i­cal­ly cir­cum­ci­sion or ade­no­to­my / ton­sil­lec­to­my — or after acci­dents, e.g. cran­io­cere­bral trau­ma with unusu­al­ly heavy bleed­ing. Spon­ta­neous bleed­ing rarely occurs in mild haemophil­ia. The fre­quen­cy of bleed­ing varies from 1x per year to 1x in 10 years. In gen­er­al, bleed­ing is more com­mon in child­hood than in adult­hood, which may be relat­ed to the pat­tern of move­ment and oth­er increased vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of a grow­ing organ­ism.
In rou­tine tests to deter­mine a bleed­ing ten­den­cy, platelet count, in vit­ro bleed­ing time (PFA-100), throm­bin time and fib­rino­gen are nor­mal. The pro­longed acti­vat­ed pro­throm­bin time (aPTT) is an indi­ca­tion of the pres­ence of haemophil­ia A or B, but may be nor­mal in mild haemophil­ia. The spe­cif­ic fac­tor deter­mi­na­tion of FVIII or FIX in the pres­ence of a nor­mal­ly high vWF con­firms the diag­no­sis. If the activ­i­ty of FVIII is bor­der­line 40–80% in the “one-stage” test, a “two-stage” test or chro­mogenic test can prove the reduced fac­tor activ­i­ty. In the “one-stage” pro­ce­dure, dif­fer­ent reagents are used with dif­fer­ent fac­tor-defi­cient plas­ma and dif­fer­ent ref­er­ence plas­ma sam­ples. The chro­mogenic test approach is based on a sim­i­lar prin­ci­ple as the two-stage test and involves a longer prein­cu­ba­tion time. Some muta­tions of the F8 gene lead to a false high result in the “one-stage” test, so that the diag­no­sis can only be made reli­ably in the “two-stage” test. In car­ri­ers of haemophil­ia A, a reduced activ­i­ty of FVIII below 35% is found in about 10%. It should be remem­bered that FVIII activ­i­ty may be increased by preg­nan­cy, oral anti-con­cep­tion, sport or chron­ic inflam­ma­tion and that FVIII activ­i­ty is about 25% low­er in peo­ple with blood group 0.

(to be added)

Suisse Hemo­phil­ia Net­work

Das Schweiz­erische Hämophilie Net­zw­erk ist eine Dachor­gan­i­sa­tion für medizinische und therapeutische Netzwerk­gruppen.