Net­work Group — Hema­tol­o­gists

As tech­ni­cal experts and man­agers of the hemo­phil­ia centers, the SHN hema­tol­o­gists are main­ly respon­si­ble for the fol­low­ing tasks:

  • Diag­no­sis and lab­o­ra­to­ry tests
  • Pri­ma­ry med­ical care in case of acute blood coag­u­la­tion prob­lems
  • Ini­ti­a­tion of med­ical care far beyond the core tasks of the hemo­phil­ia cen­tre
  • Cre­ation of work­ing struc­tures to enable the inter-pro­fes­sion­al teams of your aemophil­ia cen­ter to work in the best pos­si­ble way
  • Con­tact with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als in order to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble and com­pre­hen­sive health care, as well as sup­port for the health care of patients
  • Con­tin­u­ous fur­ther train­ing in the field of hemo­stase­ol­o­gy

From diag­nos­tics to ther­a­py — the SHN hema­tol­o­gists pro­vide patient-cen­tered, indi­vid­ual advice based on the high­est lev­el of exper­tise and always inde­pen­dent­ly. The med­ical sup­port of coag­u­la­tion patients is often nec­es­sary on a reg­u­lar basis and through­out their lives. The SHN hema­tol­o­gists there­fore attach great impor­tance to cre­at­ing a rela­tion­ship based on trust. They also attach great impor­tance to a high lev­el of per­son­al con­ti­nu­ity in their med­ical-ther­a­peu­tic teams.

The SHN net­work arose from the haema­tol­o­gists’ need for an inter­nal, inter-pro­fes­sion­al exchange of infor­ma­tion.

They show the high­est lev­el of com­mit­ment at dif­fer­ent lev­els:

  • On an intra-pro­fes­sion­al lev­el, SHN haema­tol­o­gists shape and are aware of the lat­est med­ical devel­op­ments and define treat­ment stan­dards for Switzer­land by con­sen­sus.
  • On an inter-pro­fes­sion­al lev­el they sup­port the pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment of their med­ical-ther­a­peu­tic pro­fes­sion­al groups, are con­tact per­sons for inter­nal work­flows, pre­scribe ser­vices to be pro­vid­ed and ensure their qual­i­ty.
  • At the patient lev­el, the aim is to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble and most com­pre­hen­sive health care. Con­tin­u­ous avail­abil­i­ty (emer­gency ser­vice), con­sul­ta­tion hours and annu­al check-ups are the rou­tine ser­vices that enable reg­u­lar assess­ment of health care.
  • In terms of pro­fes­sion­al pol­i­cy, hema­tol­o­gists are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing high-per­for­mance, com­pre­hen­sive and fair health care for peo­ple with bleed­ing ten­den­cies. To this end, they are in dia­logue with the Fed­er­al Office of Pub­lic Health (FOPH), the com­mu­ni­ties, health insur­ance com­pa­nies and patient orga­ni­za­tions.
  • At the research lev­el, SHN hema­tol­o­gists par­tic­i­pate in high­ly qual­i­fied sci­en­tif­ic med­ical devel­op­ments. Basic research and clin­i­cal research con­tent is geared to the lat­est med­ical devel­op­ments and to high eth­i­cal stan­dards.